Oliver Stone

Putin tells Oliver Stone on Skripal poisoning: ‘Something fishy here’ (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the latest Oliver Stone, on the record, interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin where they discussed the widely held belief that the English secret service was actually behind the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal.
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US Openly Pushes for Overthrow of Elected Government in Venezuela

In one concise statement, Dan Kovalik sums up the criminal — if self-serving and for now effective — foreign policy of the U.S. across the planet:

The US appears to be intentionally spreading chaos throughout strategic portions of the world, leaving virtually no independent state standing to protect their resources, especially oil, from Western exploitation. And, this goal is being achieved with resounding success, while also achieving the subsidiary goal of enriching the behemoth military-industrial complex.

Will Vladimir Putin remain as Russian President past 2024? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss rumors floating around the media that Russian President Vladimir Putin may be seeking to change the constitution and pave the way for his re-election as Russian President in 2024.
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How the West continues to fatally misunderstand Vladimir Putin & Russia

Originally appeared at OffGuardian
By Tony Kevin, from a talk given to ANU Business students, June 7
Two and a half years ago, in Jan-Feb 2016, I visited Russia for a month. The result was this published book, a literary travel memoir,  Return to Moscow.  I returned  in January-February this year, 2018. I gave a public lecture in the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Russian History.