Oklahoma City

23 Years Later: The Oklahoma City Bombing Story You Were Never Told About

(ANTIMEDIA) — Sgt. Terrance Yeakey was an Oklahoma City Police Officer, a first responder to the OKC bombing, and an American hero. Officer Yeakey, known to friends as Terry, saved the lives of eight people from the Alfred P. Murrah building on the morning of April 19, 1995. Terry was a few blocks away from Timothy McVeigh […]

Pressure Mounts Over Trump’s Refusal To Address Right-Wing Terrorist Threats

Police tape surrounds the parking lot behind the AME Emanuel Church where nine people where shot by white supremacist Dylann Storm Roof, 21, in Charleston, S.C(AP/Stephen B. Morton)
OKLAHOMA CITY (REPORT) — Bud Welch knows something about the human cost of terrorism. His 23-year-old daughter was killed when a rental truck packed with explosives destroyed the Oklahoma City federal building.

Massacre in Orlando: Morality and Mortality

The Massacre in Orlando By Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgOrlando terrorist Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was licensed by the state of Florida to carry firearms. His rifle may even have been part of his job. Since 2007 he has been employed by G4S Secure Solutions, a “global” security firm that provided protection to the London Olympics. Until recently, G4S had an Israeli section with 8,000 employees.