Occupy Wall Street

From Occupy to Charlottesville & Beyond – Identity Politics, the Gladiatorial Arena & the Balkanisaton of Society…

In the article on the Charlottesville unrest and the broader issues of sectarian rifts and societal breakdown, I wrote about the possible psy-op properties and divide-and-conquer strategy being applied. I also wrote that ‘our hope should be that the majority of people are more intelligent and discerning than that and will refuse to get drawn […]

TRUMP’S White House In-Waiting, Part I: Corporate Strike Back & the Coup of the 1%…

Now that the electoral college has has confirmed Trump’s presidency and his inauguration approaches, I wanted to address the shape of the incoming Trump administration, the dangers, the sensibilities. And why there is legitimate, palpable reason for concern and anxiety that isn’t anything to do with being ‘liberal elite’ or ‘lib-tard’ or whatever dumb labels anti-progressives […]

The “Progessive” (aka, Liberal) Antiwar Movement: RIP?

By John V. Walsh | CounterPunch | June 16, 2014 Ralph Nader wrote a very perceptive essay in the wake of the edifying defeat of the despicable arch-imperialist, Israel Firster and reliable servant of Wall St. Banksters, Eric Cantor, at the capable hands of the libertarian leaning Professor David Brat. It was titled “Can Progressives […]