
Big Food Trickery? SmartLabels to Act as ‘Real’ GMO Labeling

Imagine strolling down your grocery store’s aisles, and you pick up a food that has been packaged with some deceptive labeling that says it is ‘all natural’ or ‘made with wholesome ingredients.’ You want to purchase only healthy, non-GMO food, along with countless others. But the labeling is unclear. This is exactly what the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) wants consumers to feel – lost.

Video: Nutrition on Steroids – How to Sprout Superfoods for 1000x Nutrition

If you want to get some of the most amazing nutrition available from the smallest food sources around, there is nothing equal to sprouting. Sprouted beans, lentils, buckwheat, chickpeas, alfalfa, broccoli seeds, and numerous other foods can be sprouted, in many cases giving you up to 1000 times the nutrition of the fully-grown plant!