Newsbud Video

How a US Fiasco in Macau Birthed North Korea’s Atomic Bomb

Newsbud Presents the Community Member Exclusive Series Asia Brief with Peter Lee. This week: The inside story of how the Treasury Department botched its sanctions game against North Korea and China and directly led to the first North Korean atomic bomb test. Do not miss this in depth presentation of historical facts that directly led to the current situation that the mainstream media is fomenting in order to expand interventionism.  Newsbud is 100% people funded, support independent media and make a pledge to Newsbud’s Phase 3 Kickstarter today.

Turkey Chooses Russia over NATO in Syria

In this fifteenth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: RBK, Kommersant, Izvestia, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. He discusses the record gas exports to Europe by the Russian gas giant Gazprom, the Russia-Turkey-Iran relations on the eve of the Syrian conflict resolution negotiations in Astana, the interview of the top Russian diplomat at the UN, Vitaly Churkin, and the Russian reaction to the president-elect Donald Trump’s first press conference.

German Government Responsible For Berlin Terror Attack- Parliamentary Meeting Reveals

Newsbud examines new information on the timeline and the suspect of the Berlin Christmas Market Attack. The attack raises questions about the security failures in preventing the terror attack despite knowing full well that the suspect was a ticking time bomb. Join Spiro Skouras and Christoph Germann to discuss Newsbud’s exclusive article ‘The Anis Amri Timeline: How German Authorities Allowed a Well-Known Terrorist Suspect to Strike Berlin’
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