Newsbud Members Exclusive

The Reconfiguration of the World Order & The Dawn of a New Hegemonic Era

In this exclusive Newsbud Roundtable Sibel Edmonds, Professor Filip Kovacevic, Peter Lee, and James Corbett examine the current geopolitical climate, and discuss the possible end of US hegemony and what the dawn of a new multipolar era may bring. Do not miss this in depth one-hour analysis with top regional experts, analysts and commentators hosted by Spiro Skouras and offered exclusively to Newsbud Community Members.

Turkey Terror Spike: Operation Gladio B Targeting Turkey’s Erdogan

Sibel Edmonds exposes a covert operation aimed against the democratically elected government of Turkey in response to the directional change of the Syrian war. She examines the recent increase in terror attacks in Turkey, who is behind the attacks, and why.

This is a preview for a Newsbud Community Members exclusive feature. In order to view the full video, and to access other Newsbud exclusive content, subscribe here