The New York Times

Donald Trump: New York Times ‘made up story’ about Trump – Russia contacts

US President Donald Trump is making what is perhaps the most serious accusation against The New York Times in its recent history, which is that it at least in part fabricated its story of multiple contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence of  13th February 2017 by attributing it to briefings provided to The New York Times by anonymous officials who don’t exist.

Exclusive Federal Reserve Videos and the Glass-Steagall Media Conspiracy

The New York Times seems disingenuous at best and conspiratorial at worst: admitting in an editorial that it blew it big time in advocating for the repeal of Glass-Steagall while hiding in the wings as its writers are allowed to push a false narrative that the New York Times refuses to correct.
The post Exclusive Federal Reserve Videos and the Glass-Steagall Media Conspiracy appeared first on BSNEWS.

Here’s what you’re not being told about U.S. troops in Ukraine

Take a deep breath and consider that 1,000 American folks, as Obama will surely get around to calling them, are conducting military drills with troops drawn partly from Nazi and crypto-Nazi paramilitary groups…. Sorry, I cannot add anything more to this paragraph. Speechless.
The post Here’s what you’re not being told about U.S. troops in Ukraine appeared first on BSNEWS.

Shock and awe in Gaza…….How the media and human rights groups cover for Israeli war crimes

  Policymakers, the media and the most influential international human rights organisations still consistently fail to convey the shocking reality of what Israel is doing on the ground to Palestinians. It is why public opinion is still rarely reflected in foreign policy decisions affecting Israel.


The New York Times Declares the Peace Process Futile – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

Part I

 In 1988 Yasser Arafat declared independence for Palestine based upon the notion of two states living in peace in historic Palestine. The border between those two states was to be set roughly at the armistice line established at the end of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The Palestinian state’s capital was to be located in East Jerusalem.