New Hampshire

The Meaning Of Last Night's New Hampshire Primaries

Chris PappasOne more little look at last night's primaries from New Hampshire. Because Carol Shea-Porter decided to retire, there was a lot of action in the first district. The Democrats nominated Chris Pappas, a slightly left-of-center candidate favored by the entire New Hampshire political establishment, and the Republicans nominated a mainstream conservative, Eddie Edwards, instead of the far right Trump character, Andy Sanborn.

Three More Primaries This Week: New Hampshire Today, Rhode Island Mañana, New York Thursday

In a few hours we should have results from New Hampshire's first congressional district, where Carol Shea Porter is retiring, and from the gubernatorial race. This is 2018's last contested congressional primary in the country. We'll get back to that in a moment. Tomorrow we'll be watching Rhode Island, where a a disgusting pair of corrupt conservative Democrats, Governor Gina Raimondo and Lt. Governor Daniel McKee, are fighting for reelection. And then Thursday, it's New York's non-federal primaries.

People Who Tell You Trump Can Win Reelection In 2020 Are Using Some Very Powerful Drugs-- Get Some

The Tiki Torch Leader by Hugh BrownIn his Wall Street Journal column yesterday, Steve Bannon’s Motley Crew of Challengers-- One is fresh out of prison. Another held a town hall to discuss ‘chemtrail’ theories, Karl Rove basically said the Republican establishment is fine fighting a war against Bannon's brand of fascism: Bring It On, Asshole!

Anti-Trump Tsunami Continues To Build-- GOP Wipeouts In New Hampshire And Florida This Week

Annette Taddeo, rising starTuesday was a big day, electorally, for Democrats-- and not because Alabama Republicans nominated a psychotic extremist, Roy Moore, in their primary runoff. (Moore will face off against moderate Democrat, Doug Jones, on December 12; every poll shows Moore winning. Count on Alabama to go for the crazy; they're still fighting the Civil War.