New Dems

What Conservative Dems-- The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party-- Don't Want

The Green New Deal is complicated and partially abstract and certainly not easy to understand for an idiot. It's aspirational too. Medicare-For-All isn't as complicated, but it's complicated too. You know what's not complicated? Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, a semi-livable wage. That;'s pretty straight forward. But it's something that infuriates conservatives almost as much as the Green New Deal and Medicare For All do.

Freshman Members-- Already Showing Who They Are-- And They're Not All Like AOC

Jeff Van Drew, Mikie Sherrill, Anthony Brindisi-- which will be the House's next Kyrsten Sinema?Last week, before announcing the $15 minimum wage bill, Pelosi had a meeting with her leadership team. The team now includes two elected representatives of the freshman class, one progressive, Joe Neguse (CO) and one New Dem, Katie Hill (CO).

Congress Should Change The Name Of The House Financial Services Committee To The Neoliberalism Committee

This is propagandaMembers of Congress mostly sign up for the Financial Services Committee because it's the easiest committee in Congress to sell your vote for big bucks. There are a lot of really corrupt committees, but Financial Services is numero uno. Every now and then a Democrat or two will manage to get on the committee with the express purpose of reforming it. They rarely last long.

The Take Over Of The Democratic Party By Big Money Is Very Real

The Ugly Face of the TakeoverDuring the this cycle’s primary season, first Marie Newman (Chicago), then Alan Grayson (Orlando) and then Matt Heinz (Tucson) were all calling on the media to look into and report how Rupert Murdoch and his family and a handful of other right-wing billionaires were funneling immense sums of money into a

The Republican Party Failed To Defeat Pelosi-- So Now The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Will Give It A Shot

The Republican wing of the Democratic Party wants to replace Pelosi with someone far to her right. The Wall Street-financed New Dems are behind the big anti-Pelosi push. Late this afternoon, HuffPo released the signatories to a letter pledging not to support her for Speaker, primarily a real garbage heap of Democraps. I'd love to see Pelosi replaced... but not by a New Dem of Blue Dog. This is the list (the worst of the plotters are bolded):

How The DCCC Plans To Turn The House Democratic Caucus Over To The Blue Dogs And New Dems And Destoy The Progressive Movement

There are 84 candidates on the DCCC's Red to Blue list, 15 Blue Dogs, 60 New Dems and 19 that are not from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. The bolded candidates have been endorsed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which doesn't mean much any longer since Mark Pocan seems to think it's cool to endorse New Dems.

Good Candidates/Bad Candidates... It's Not Like Throwing Darts At A Wall Of Candidates' Photos

Another cue that someone's likely to be goodI graduated college and went to live overseas-- actually I just went for a summer vacation but stayed for almost 7 years-- traveling and living in various places in Europe, Africa and Asia.Once Nixon was removed I came home and eventually washed up in San Francisco and had to get a job in the real world, something I had never experienced. Previously I had worked as a smuggler and then in a meditation center.

We Have To Vote For Every Democrat Running For The House (Except Debbie Wasserman Schultz) Because... Trump

I'm color-blind. I literally can't even tell red from green. Jacquie has been working with Jamie, Blue America's web designer, on a new lay-out. They cc me on the endless discussions of endless minutiae, even shades of colors that I can't see. It's been going on for weeks and weeks. The other day I mistakenly thought they had the final design done and replied that "it looks great," which it did.