National Association of Manufacturers

Clintons Accept Money From TPP Supporters

Sputnik – 21.05.2016 As the current Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton was entering the presidential race, her husband and former US President Bill Clinton received millions of dollars from special interest groups, including $325,000 from a group lobbying for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). In October 2015, Hillary Clinton was pressured by her Democratic rival, Bernie […]

Big Food Is Still Fighting Vermont’s GMO Labeling Bill

Vermont is a little state, but it could force some enormous decisions. Will the Big Food corporations have to label GMO packages for Vermont, whose population is smaller than Brooklyn’s? They will if the Senate votes against the ‘DARK’ (‘Deny Americans the Right to Know’) Act (H.R. 1599) introduced in 2015 by Rep. Mike Pompeo.