Nate Cohn

Kicking The Working Class To The Curb For Wealthy Donors Was A Bad Idea For The Democratic Party

Establishment Democrats are making a terrible mistake in moving their emphasis towards millionaires and away from the working class. The glory days of the Democratic Party was when they united working families and dominated politics-- basically from 1930, when the Democrats netted 52 House seats, making John Nance Garner Speaker.

Live By The Poll, Die By The Poll-- The Wave Is Coming Anyway. Look What Happened In Florida Tonight!

No one knows how to dampen down voter enthusiasm as well as corporate DemocratsLately I've found myself spending an hour or two a day hand-holding long-shot candidates in R+15 districts who are freaking out because the Democratic advantage in polling pitting a generic Democrat against a generic Republican has taken a dip.

Economic Inequality Matters

This afternoon, Alan Grayson, who had just watched the video above, told us that "Since the Enlightenment began, people have been fishing around for some kind of extrinsic validation of the concept of 'justice' For instance, the first two sentences of the Declaration of Independence appeal to 'the Laws of Nature,' 'Nature’s God,' the 'opinions of mankind' and the 'Creator.' What the de Waal experiment shows is that there is no need to look outside of ourselves to justify justice; we can look inside. If it’s in capuchin monkeys, then surely it’s in us, too. All of us."David Gill is an emerge

Election Day In Georgia's 6th District-- The End Of The Trumpanzee Agenda?

Today’s the day in GA-06. The most recent poll shows Ossoff up but within the margin of error, as most polls have shown. This one has Ossoff winning with 49.7% to Handel’s 48.0%, despite Ryan and Trump pouting tens of millions of dollars into the race. Many see the race as a referendum on Trump. 91% of Ossoff voters have an unfavorable opinion him and 78% of Handel voters have a favorable opinion.

Bernie's Revolution Has Taken Off And Could Help Power Democrats Into Congressional Wins Despite A Hopeless DCCC

This morning we looked at a new bill introduced this week by Ro Khanna and Beto O'Rourke that would end the pervasive influence of PACs on Congress. It's another example of how Democrats are getting behind Bernie Sanders' most salient ideas. Ro Khanna endorsed Bernie during the 2016 cycle and Beto O'Rourke had endorsed Hillary.