Monty Python

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI have to admit; I was somewhat perplexed by the head gear that Ivanka Trump was wearing on her trip with daddy to England last week. I couldn't tell whether she'd suffered a head injury or whether wearing a Maxi-Pad on your head had become a thing among the rich. If it was a head injury, we'll certainly never know, since like every Trump, she never seems very compos mentis even on her good days. Maxi-Pad? I don't know.

12 Monkeys, Brazil & Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus – 40k Nerds! Jay + Primal Edge

Tristan of Primal Edge Health joins me for the 40k nerd subs party – we chose apt films for this celebration: three from the master himself, Terry Gilliam, and notably one of my favorites of all time, 12 Monkeys. We will look at the esoteric and predictive elements of Brazil and The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus too. Enjoy! Friday Live at 5PM EST! 

Trump Heads Off To Celebrate England’s Increasing Chaos (And Ours)

by NoahI know lots of people like England and get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about the place. People who know me well know that I’m not one of those. To me, England is just some bizarre theme park celebration of centuries of drunkenness and inbreeding where thoughtless tradition and odious heritage are lionized on an hourly basis.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahWho says we can't predict the future? 50 years ago, British comedy troupe Monty Python's Flying Circus showed us more than a mere prescient glimpse of the daily goings on with the Trump administration and any given hour at today's White House full of mental defectives. The Oval Office? Cabinet meetings? We don't need a taping system like Nixon's. We have the above clip. Monty Python nailed it.Do you really think that people like Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders just appeared out of thin air? Nope.

Thanks, Eric Idle! "Jesus Christ: A Lust for Glory" -- now there's a movie I would have paid to see

Did you know that, "according to one study," "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" -- the weirdly infectious ditty Eric Idle concocted for the climactic cluster crucifixion of Monty Python's Life of Brian, and which he a-sings and a-whistles here in an attempt to cheer up the downhearted Brian (Graham Chapman) -- is "the most requested song at British funerals, edging out 'My Way' "?by KenIf we must have our celebrities permanently in motion, on a rotating basis, in an unstoppable international whirligig of media whoring, and apparently we must, then we can at least cherish such moments