Money and Fear with Pye Ian

The Federal Reserve is About To Pull The Plug: Prepare For ‘Quantitative Tightening’ & ‘Creative Destruction’

What will happen as the US Federal Reserve decides to pull away the “unconventional” monetary stimulus punch bowl from the US and global economies?  Will their actions truly be for the good of both US and foreign economic and political stability, or is it all part of a much wider, longer term design aimed at nurturing collective chaos en route to a grander planned sense of international ‘synthesis’?  In this latest episode of Money and Fear, we’ll look at both “Quantitative Easing” (QE) as well as its impending policy nemesis, “Quantitative Tightening” (QT), or the Fed’s shrinking of its ba

The Not So Hidden Hand: Government & Wall Street Manipulation of Stock Markets

Critical Questions for students of Economics and Finance, as well as for retail investors worldwide:  If you were shown how an academic discipline, or an investment marketplace, were rigged, or at the least, not fully what they’re officially sold as being, would you still invest your time, effort and/or hard earned cash?  Or would you want the truth, and to then plan accordingly around it?  Is ‘fitting in’ that important to you to where you’d potentially turn a blind eye to scientific and political realities involving financial corruption?  How long until you lose your shirt on said prescri

Generation Debt: The Student Loan & Wider College Rackets

Questions for students and their parents:  If college cost $750,000, would you still attend, taking out student loans to meet that amount?  How about $500,000?  No?  How about the $50,000 to $250,000 it currently costs, then?  In other words, what is the true price tag for ‘ensuring success’ in society, and why has it been rising so aggressively over the past 50 years?  In turn, what are the actual – versus perceived – dividends of such an “investment”?  In this episode of Money and Fear, we’ll look at the impending Student Debt Crisis and dissipating perceptions of college as an i

Bitcoin as Conditioner: Rolling Out One World Currency

Forget its price trajectory and the rest of the prescribed hype for a second.  *Why* is Bitcoin a ‘thing’, who said so, when, and what for?  Was it genuinely a product of simple private sector ingenuity during a time of maximum need?  OR, based on the many Establishment-linked constituencies trading, investing or imminently, regulating it, is it a ‘test balloon’ or ‘beta test’ for a much wider, older elite plan for global monetary revision?  In this episode of Money and Fear, we’ll look at Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain from much more nuanced political, historical and philosop

European Bank Failures: A Bellwether for Another Imminent 2008 Financial Crisis?

Did a series of banks not-so-randomly failing across Europe present a negative bellwether for another imminent 2008 Global Financial Crisis?  How would any average citizen know?  In this inaugural episode of Money and Fear, we’ll review a sampling of bank failures, weigh whether more institutions can and/or will fail, and what it all means for “systemic risks”, “contagion”, and other fun technical words used to nonchalantly summarize global economic mayhem.  We’ll also ask if there is any sense of a wider – or deeper – design to such wealth destruction which would seek financial asset conso

Money and Fear

Newsbud is excited to announce our newest show, Money and Fear with Newsbud's financial expert Pye Ian. Money and Fear, is a program that will focus on the connections between global finance, geopolitics, currency wars, shifts in international trade, the Federal Reserve, government corruption and more. Do not miss this one of a kind show exclusively available at The first episode will premiere Thursday July 20th open to all, access to all future episodes is exclusive to Newsbud Activist Community Members.