Mink De Ville

And You Thought Romney Was A Serial Flip-Flopper? Meet The Donald

Anyone who's watched this season's dysfunctional Republican primary reality show-- Herr Trumpf vs the (Not Very) Deep Bench-- understands that Trump has, in the words of McCain top staffer Mark Salter, "an unstable personality." Once Trump sewed up the nomination Salter, a lifelong Republican, decided to support Hillary, although, when questioned, he said h

Mink De Ville: Slick Fur Fury

In 1977 I wrote a story about Mink DeVille for Creem. It isn't easy to access online so I figured I'd post it here at DWT... no special reason, except so that more people should be able to acquaint themselves with this largely unknown American band. Enjoy:"MINK PIE, how's that!" challenged Willie, whose darkly silent, sinewy presence dominated the dimly-lit cold-water flat in Oakland. The band had been up speeding for four days; it was 5 a.m. and they wanted a change.Why not start with a new name?