militarization of police

Ferguson, Gaza, and Luhansk – What Responsibility to Protect?

Ferguson, Gaza, and Luhansk bleed all the time these days and the United States does nothing very useful for any of them. Not in out “national interest.”  Simpler and easier to blame the victims. Can’t waste our precious resources.
Ferguson, Gaza, and Luhansk have been bleeding for days, for weeks, for years, forever in current and chronic crisis, and what does the United States do to help any of them?

Sometimes Bipartisanship Leads To A Plot Against The People Of This Country By The Beltway Political Elites

This diagram shows the ideological spectrum of the Members who supported the Grayson amendment on police demilitarizationGeorge Bush demanded-- hysterically-- that Congress pass the TARP giveaway to banksters that came close to wrecking the economy. But it can't only be pinned on Bush; both Establishment Beltway parties were complicit in that catastrophic vote.

Why Are Our Political Elites Always Such Patsies For Authoritarianism?

My grandfather, a Socialist, always warned me to never trust the Democratic Party as a real alternative to the fascists (which is how he referred to Nazis, Republicans, Southern Democrats and any other parties on the right). In the last week, we've been looking at how the Democratic Establishment and the Republican Establishment banded together to defeat Alan Grayson's amendment against militarization of local police departments.

Mark, We're BEGGING! DCCC Falls To New Lows

My friend Mark has been a very steady DCCC contributor, even though I've warned him about how corrupt they are and how they play grassroots donors for suckers while lining their own pockets and feathering their own nests. Mark doesn't give millions to the Democratic Party; but he does give hundreds-- and his best friend has given millions. This is the note Mark sent me today: