Michael Gordon

NY Times, WaPo national security reporters serve at pro-war Pentagon-funded think tank

The Center for New American Security provides residencies to top national security correspondents while raking in massive funding from the arms industry, Pentagon and State Department. This was originally published by Behind The Headlines at Mint Press News Imagine a country where there’s no separation between the government, the military, and the media. A lot of Americans would think of China, Russia or North Korea, but it’s a perfect description of the United States today. Located in Washington, the Center […]

The Escalating War on Syria and Need for International Law

By Rick Sterling | Dissident Voice | April 7, 2017 On Tuesday 4 April there were reports of children and other civilians killed by chemical poisoning in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, Syria. There were contradictory reports, some saying they smelled the gas; others claiming it caused immediate death like odorless sarin. On Wednesday 5 […]

"Fake News” by NY Times documented

To the Editor of the New York TimesMichael Gordon, your fake news reporter who lied America into invading Iraq, has written a report (“John McCain Becomes Critic in Chief of the Trump Administration," Feb. 20, 2017, NY Times online) about John McCain’s criticism of President Trump, while omitting McCain’s support for the Iraq invasion, which certainly taints McCain’s judgment and his foreign policy credentials. McCain even sought a U.S. invasion of Syria on the side of al Qaeda.