
What Will Make People Decide Who To Vote For In November?

There are a bunch of run-of the-mill Democrats and semi-Democrats running in Michigan this year, including for the district in the southwest corner of the state (MI-06) held by Fred Upton. One-- sleazy lobbyist George Franklin-- is especially bad. He's been helping finance Upton against Democrats for years. And now he wants to run against him. What a joke! I can see the GOP ads now: "I was for him before I was against him." And he was. Why?

It Could Change With Time, But Trump's Worst Appointment So Far Is Scott Pruitt

A lot of Republicans, when they work up the nerve to criticize Señor Trumpanzee, try to couch the criticism in a paean to the greatness of his judiciary and cabinet picks. First of all, he doesn't care how criticism is couched; he'll be looking for an opportunity at revenge sooner or later-- and it won't be pretty-- and, second, his personnel selections are among his worst and most existentially risky decisions, not his saving grace.

Will The Third Time Be The Charm For Michigan Democrats? Paul Clements Thinks So

Blue America helped persuade Paul Clements to run for the southwest Michigan congressional seat held by Fred Upton again this cycle. This week one of Upton's top financial contributors, a multimillionaire corporate lobbyist who has written Upton over two dozen checks, decided to run-- as a Democrat!-- against Paul in the Democratic primary. We asked Paul to introduce himself to Blue America members who might not remember him from last year.Make MI-06 Part of the Progressive Wave-by Paul ClementsWill you make 2018 a turning point?

Good News For Michigan: Paul Clements Is Running For Congress Again

On Thursday, Kalamazoo professor, Berniecrat and environmental activist, Paul Clements, announced that he's going to seek the Democratic nomination for the southwest Michigan congressional seat that's been occupied by hereditary plutocrat Fred Upton since... wait for it-- 1986! This is a swing district Obama won (53-45%) in 2008 and lost narrowly (50-49%) to home-stater Mitt Romney in 2012 but which the DCCC never contests. Last cycle Clements managed to raise $1,151,980 to go up against the $2,497,208 Upton raised.

DCCC Fakeout In Michigan

Michigan is another state about which Trump boasted, early and often, that he would win. It was in the bag. Obama won the state against McCain 57-41% and against Romney 54-45% but Trump assumed his racist clarion call to "poorly educated" white workers would win him the state. It hasn't been working out that way. The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Hillary beating him by 6 points. In fact, Hillary is beating Trump in every Michigan county Obama won and in 4 counties that Romney won: Menominee, Benzie, Berrien & Lenawee counties.