
Extremism Explodes as Democrat Politicians Try to Scuttle Confirmation Vote for Judge Kavanaugh

Democrat Representative John Garamendi added racism and sexism to the argument by saying the senators who support Kavanaugh are white racists who are hostile to women. [The allegations against Kavanaugh have nothing to do with race, but the left has added that issue to present themselves as virtuous and to conceal their true political motivation.]

#MeToo Meets McDonald’s: Fast Food Workers Strike over Rampant Sexual Harassment

(ANTIMEDIA) — Last year, the #MeToo movement sent shockwaves through industries from Hollywood and the art world to politics and tech. This week, it’s made its way to fast food. On Tuesday, hundreds of McDonald’s employees across ten U.S. cities walked out of work at lunchtime to protest what they consider ongoing, systemic sexual harassment on the job. Workers in Chicago, […]

New Rule: "Until Donald Trump Is No Longer President, Don't Talk To Me About Any Cause Except Democrats Winning Elections"

The hell with Kirsten Gillibrand-- Bill Maher endorsed Al Franken for president on his HBO show Friday night. He explained why in the video above but, clearly, "he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people still like him!"Then Bill goes after #MeToo excesses. You don't need me to reiterate it or even weigh in. Just listen to it yourself. Besides, I've made it clear who I'm backing for the Democratic nomination in 2020.