mental illness

VID – Katy Perry Collapse Meltdown: MK Ultra Explained in 80s Film Predicting SJWs

Was Katy Perry’s meltdown a hammed up, planned routine as a PR stunt, or part of an actual occult mind control project used with pop stars? The goofy, obscure 80s film Legend of Billie Jean appears to shed a lot of light on the tactic of creating revolutionary SJW pop stars, staged events, as well as mind control.
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Russophobe Louise Mensch just called for jihad on Russia

Louise Mensch once coveted a high ranking position in Britain’s Conservative party but couldn’t pull it off. Then she tried to get Hillary Clinton elected POTUS and she failed at that too. Then, the self-professed former drug addict has became a professional Russophobe and now she has called for Russia to be punished by Salafist terrorists.
When most people were condemning the ISIS atrocity on London or otherwise engaged in constructive and long overdue debates on how western foreign policy causes terrorism, Mensch decided to insanely blame the attack on Russia.

Psychiatrists at Yale Warn: There Is Something Seriously Wrong with Trump

(ANTIMEDIA) “I’ve worked with murderers and rapists. I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away. You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”
Those words came from the mouth of James Gilligan, psychiatrist and professor at New York University. The man he is speaking of is the president of the United States.

Doctors Gave Boy 3 Days to Live, Then His Mom Secretly Gave Him Cannabis

(ANTIMEDIA) Both anecdotal evidence and clinical research are beginning to show the promise of cannabis in treating a variety of health issues. According to one family in the U.K., cannabis helped a dying teenage boy recover fully from complications from leukemia. The family recently appeared on the British talk show, This Morning, to discuss their experience.