Media Ethics

Porkins Policy Radio episode 138 Kurt Eichenwald and Justin Berry Child Porn Scandal with Brian Heiss

Brian Heiss joins me today for another in-depth discussion discussion. We start off by touching on the recent gas attack in Syria and the bellicose rhetoric coming out of Washington. Brian and I discuss our issues with the claims that this was launched by Assad. We also talk about the Skirpal case and the recent appointment of John Bolton to National Security Adviser. Brian and I than turn out attention to Kurt Eichenwald, Justin Berry, and the child pornography scandal they were involved in.

Zionist Propaganda: Time to Set the Record Straight


The occupation of Palestine is an illegal military occupation. Settlements and outposts are illegally occupied Palestinian territories. The organized armed forces of Palestinian factions are, under the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Hague Conventions legally formed military forces which resist an illegal military occupation.