Mayor Ted Wheeler

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Moving from Condo that Was Vandalized to Avoid Rioters Targeting His Home

Mayor Wheeler is moving from his $840,000 condo to avoid rioters who tried to set fire to a dentist's business on the first floor. Wheeler wrote to neighbors in his building saying it would be “best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace”. There were no police on the scene per his directive of 'deescalation'.

Portland’s Mayor Says City Is Safe for Drivers Despite Recent Car Attack by Antifa and Street Brawl

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a liberal who also serves as the city's police commissioner, defended a decision to have police stand down during the incident, saying that police must watch out for their own safety, while at the same time, he tried to claim that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Portland: Angry Leftists Took Over an Intersection and Attacked an Elderly Gentleman’s Car as He Tried to Escape the Crowd of Protesters

Portland, Oregon was the scene of another leftist protest that resulted in violence and property damage as a man slowly drove through the crowd, trying to escape as they clubbed his car. The protest was against the police department that reportedly shot a black man, Patrick Kimmons, who had allegedly been involved in a shootout involving at least two other men.

ICE to Sue Portland over Mayor Ted Wheeler’s ‘Stand Down’ Orders to Police Forcing Them To Ignore Distress Calls from the Federal Agency

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler ordered the police department not to intervene between the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) and pro-immigration protesters who surrounded the ICE building and prevented people from leaving or entering. If ICE wins in court, Mayor Ted Wheeler will not face any penalties. [...]