May and Juncker

Theresa May’s final attempt to please her globalist masters (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the latest Brexit news, where British MPs will be asked to approve only parts of Theresa May’s terrible Brexit deal, as fear of a no deal Brexit fast approaches, pushing the elite in Parliament to side with May’s outright surrender deal negotiated with Merkel and Co.
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Theresa May retreats to Brexit plan B, renegotiate Brexit plan A (Video)

Theresa May has secured a mandate to return to Brussels and re-open negotiations in order to secure a “legally binding change” to the Irish backstop in May’s original Brexit plan A.
Unfortunately for May, the European Union has stated that it will not change the legal text agreed to with the UK Prime Minister.
The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Theresa May’s Brexit Plan B, which is nothing more than a return to her first Brexit proposal, which got clobbered by MPs only a few short weeks ago.

After a hard BREXIT the EU, not the UK, may be suffering from the break up (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Theresa May’s last stand on Brexit, which appears more and more like a hard Brexit is on the way and once the dust settles the UK will be better off for it.
The real loser in all of this Brexit fiasco may be the European Union.
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Theresa May goes to Brussels and comes back with a big fat donut (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at Theresa May’s trip to Brussels to try and win some concessions from EU oligarchs, only to get completely rebuked and ridiculed, leaving EU headquarters with nothing but a four page document essentially telling the UK to get its act together or face a hard Brexit.
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