
Joe Kennedy III's Senate Race-- A Picture Of Dynastic Entitlement

Joe Kennedy, who's nearly 40, was elected to Congress in 2012 when Barney Frank retired. His dad, Joe Kennedy II was RFK's son and a congressman from the Boston district currently represented by Ayanna Pressley. Joe III's biggest accomplishments are being RFK's grandson and JFK's gran nephew. His great-grandmother, Rose Kennedy, was the daughter of John Fitzgerald, who was both a mayor of Boston and another U.S. congressman.

Glad To See Conservatives Frackenlooper And Moulton Gone From The 2020 Race

Two of the worst 2020 candidate bit the dust: Moulton and FrackenlooperAs we saw last week, Seth Moulton's polling numbers are so low-- nationally, in Iowa and even in New Hampshire, which borders on his congressional district and shares media with it!-- that he was buried at the bottom of the 2020 barrel. No debates, no events, no interest, no nuthin'!

Alex Morse Is In! Pelosi Crony Richard Neal Gets A Primary Opponent

Alex Morse released this announcement video this morning. He's the 30 year old mayor of Holyoke, Massachusetts, who originally won that office when he was 22 and beat an establishment politician who was very much like current MA-01 Congressman Richard Neal. "There's an urgency to this moment in Massachusetts’ First District and our country, and that urgency is not matched by our current representative in Congress. We need new leadership that understands that we can no longer settle for small, incremental, and compromising progress. We need to be on offense.

Another Crucial 2020 Primary-- Meet MoDar In Massachusetts

Massachusetts' 8th district starts at Beacon Hill and downtown Boston and heads south-- into South Boston, the heart of the district, and into the suburbs and small towns south of the city-- many of them more blue collar than other Boston suburbs. The 8th includes Milton, Braintree, Quincy, Weymouth, Brockton, and Bridgewater before swinging west into Dedham, Walpole and north to Jamaica Plain. It's a very Irish district and a very Democratic one. The PVI is D+10, the third bluest in the state. Obama won both times, 59-39% against McCain and 58-41% against Romney.

Hawaii Got Rid Of Its Last Republican State Senator Last Year. When Will Massachusetts Do The Same?

-by Glenn WiechVice Chair, Milford Democratic Town Committee Southern Worcester County in Massachusetts is like other suburban and semi-rural areas across the country. It’s fair to say that the Blackstone Valley is one of the prettiest parts of the state. Nonetheless we have our share of problems. Many of our once humming factories have been converted to lofts or left to rot.