Mary Matiella

Why Aren't There More Women Of Color In Congress?

This is not-- nor will it ever be-- Joe CrowleyIf you follow this blog at all, you probably know, this is a place where identity group politics gets short shrift. We believe, strongly, that the best candidate should be supported, regardless of race, religion, gender, etc. That said, there are 435 members of the House and my guess is that if the best candidate was elected, at least 217 would be women, but probably more than that.

The DCCC is Petrified The Parkland Students Are Going To Find Out About Ann Kirkpatrick's Record On Guns

DCCC endorsed NRA ally Ann Kirkpatrick instead of any of the progressives in AZ-02Arizona's second district is one of the most competitive in the country. McCain beat Obama 50-49% and Romney beat him 50-48%. But then Hillary beat Trump 49.6% to 44.7%. In 2015 the PVI was R+3. Now it's R+1.

There Are No Good Republicans-- But There Are Bad Democrats As Well As Good Democrats

Alas, there are virtually no good Republicans any longer, even if, occasionally, a Republican-- a McCain or a Walter Jones or a Justin Amash-- does something good. Electorally, it virtually never happens that a Democrat, no matter how awful is worse than a Republican. When I was growing up in New York, Republican John Lindsey was better than Democrat Abe Beame.

Good Candidates Don't Accept DCCC Endorsements In Primaries

Worth 10 DCCC Red to Blue EndorsementsThe DCCC claims to be neutral in primaries but always puts its fingers on the scale for corrupt conservatives from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, Blue Dogs and New Dems, never for progressives. The DCCC favors wealthy self-funders and "ex"-Republicans. They recruit them and back them and help them disadvantage candidates from working class backgrounds. Is the DCCC anti-union?

The DCCC Doesn't Define The Democratic Party The Same Way Most Democrats Do-- And That's A Big Problem

Over the weekend Nomiki Konst highlighted an excerpt from Donna Brazile's book that explains how the political establishment advances the financial disfunction of the Democratic Party. Konst is, in effect, explaining the DCCC's shameless jihad against working class candidates while recruiting hopeless and generally wretched self-funders.