Mary Landrieu

Golan : USA-Israël–Syrie-Liban, nouvelle guerre du pétrole

Depuis Septembre 2015, la compagnie israélo-états-unienne Afek exploite le pétrole du plateau du Golan, territoire libano-syrien occupé et colonisé par le régime sioniste (1) depuis près d’un demi-siècle. Le conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a toujours souligné « l’inadmissibilité » de cette occupation.

Lobbying’s Mile-High Plateau

Special-interest money in Washington may have peaked but it looks more like it has plateaued at mile-high altitudes, with hundreds of millions of dollars continuing to fill the coffers of lobbying firms each year as they sign up ex-members of Congress and other well-connected “public servants,” as Michael Winship reports. By Michael Winship Pity poor…

This Is What Happens When DC Insiders Recruit Wretched Conservatives To Run As Democrats

Even a low-level Mafia thug like "Mikey Suits" Grimm was able to beat Blue Dog Mike McMahon, who consistently voted against Democratic Party valuesDo you remember when Chris Van Hollen's DCCC recruited conservative Democrat Mike McMahon to run for the Staten Island congressional seat after incumbent Republican Vito Fossella was discovered to have two families, one in NY and one in Vir

How Will Wasserman Schultz's Post Mortem Committee Explain Mary Landrieu, Al Muratsuchi And Ileana Ros-Lehtinen?

It isn't difficult to do a post mortem on Mary Landrieu's idiotically-doomed Senate race. Saturday's runoff saw the 3-term Louisiana Senator struggle to reach beyond 40%. In 2008 she beat Republican John Kennedy 988,298 (52%) to 867,177 (46%), the same percentage she got in her 2002 reelection. Saturday's results were Cassidy 712,330 (55.94%), Landieu 561,099 (44.06%). She won 15 of the state's 64 parishes.She never had a chance.

Two Videos-- Just One Fragile Little World

The one above is the debut of James Cameron's must-see series on Climate Change, Years of Living Dangerously. It's an hour that, if you watch it, will have been well-spent. Cameron's video is-- God willing-- part of the solution to an existential threat to humanity. Below is a short, brutish political commercial. It's ugly and it will persuade many Democrats to hold their nose and just stay home rather than vote for Mary Landrieu.