Marqus Cole

Trump Is Destroying Dozens Of Republican Incumbents' Ability To Win This Cycle

Air Force One by Nancy OhanianIncumbents usually win reelection. It's rare when they don't. Last cycle showed what happens to incumbents when they are viewed by their constituents as enablers of a disliked president. And if Trump was disliked by voters in 2018, he is positively loathed by voters this year. Last year Republicans lost 42 seats, including 30 incumbents.

Pelosi Or AOC? Most Democrats Prefer AOC

The DC Establishment doesn't, but most regular Americans agree with AOC on this oneDo you remember last month when Hoyer gave the OK for Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX) and Gregory Meeks (New Dem-NY) to surreptitiously circulate an anonymous memo among House Democrats purporting to have polling info showing that AOC-- and the Squad in general-- are being used, successfully, by the GOP to define the Democratic Party and that the four freshmen congresswomen

The Biggest Moments Of Today's Judiciary Committee Hearing

Likely Western New York candidate for Congress, Nate McMurray: "The GOP really has become the party of conspiracies-- while ignoring what’s right before them. It’s like the house is on fire, and they want you to look at mold in the basement. But we have it, word for word... THE PRESIDENT WAS NOT EXONERATED"One of the most compelling moments this morning was made by Jamie Raskin of Maryland (below).

On Sleeping With The Enemy

One of the things I always liked about Ted Lieu and Pramila Jayapal was that while they were state senators, he in California and she in Washington, they became experts at working across the aisle to get real things accomplished. And they did it without ever abandoning their progressive and Democratic values. Marqus Cole is running for an open seat in the suburbs northwest of Atlanta.

Renee Unterman, Architect Of Georgia's Abortion Ban Is Now Running For Congress

Renee Unterman and Marqus Cole (GA-07)The congressional race in GA-07-- the suburbs northwest of Atlanta-- was very tight in 2018. Stacey Abrams carried the district in her gubernatorial race but Carolyn Bourdeaux had a breathtakingly close defeat at the hands of Republican incumbent Rob Woodall-- 140,430 (50.1%) to 140,011 (49.9%).

Pelosi Is Famous For Being The First Woman Speaker-- If She Re-Elects Trump By Failing To Impeach Him, She'll Be More Famous For That... And Loathed

Allan Lichtman correctly predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1984. He even predicted Trump would win in 2016. This year he said Trump would win again-- unless Pelosi jumps out of a window on the 48th floor of the Transamerica Pyramid... or in some other way let's go off her insane and unpatriotic and defeatist notion of not impeaching Trump.

Want To Re-Fight The Wars Over Freedom Of Choice?

Kevin McCarthy is the Republican House Leader. But can he lead? A poll the other day from Morning Consult/Politico showed that 31% of Americans don't know who McCarthy even is; never heard of him. His twitter following (278K) is tiny compared to other national leaders-- Pelosi (2.52 million), Schumer (1.98 million), AOC (4.18 million), even the reviled McTurtle (875K)...