Maria Butina

Two Stories from the Propaganda War

Two recent stories about Russians have demonstrated how the news is selected and manipulated in the United States. The first is about Maria Butina, who apparently sought to overthrow American democracy, such as it is, by obtaining a life membership in the National Rifle Association. Maria, a graduate student at American University, is now in detention in a federal prison, having been charged with collusion and failure to register as an agent of the Russian Federation.

The fake news surrounding the Maria Butina story (Video)

Maria Butina has not been charged with being a Russian spy.
She communicated with her colleagues, mentors, friends, and family via Instagram, Twitter and email…very unusual communication patterns for a trained Kremlin spy.
Maria loved guns and loved the United States.
Irregardless of the logical conclusion that this was no spy (far from it, she was an ambitious Russian girl trying to make her way in America) mainstream media, left and right, continues to report that Maria Butina was a Russian red sparrow.