Mao Zedong

‘Woke’ Activism is Driven by Maoist Ideas Originating in Cultural Revolution, China Experts Warn

Protests, cancel culture and perpetual rage – Western activism mirrors Maoist ideas, revealing ties to China's Cultural Revolution. Are we headed for a dystopian, surveilled, woke technocracy?
The post ‘Woke’ Activism is Driven by Maoist Ideas Originating in Cultural Revolution, China Experts Warn appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Does China Have a Huge Problem Despite Impressive Economic Development?

The G7 has recently wound up its meeting in Hiroshima, and the participants joined to affirm their fear of the Threat of China. British media reported that prime minister Rishi Sunak said: “China poses the biggest challenge to global security and prosperity of our age with the ‘means and intent to reshape the world order’.” The […]

Western Marxism: The Unwholesome Temptation

Image credit: Left Voice. The history of Marxism has a parallel history of counter-Marxism — intellectual currents that posture as the true Marxism. Even before Marxism came into being as a coherent ideology, Marx and Engels devoted an often-neglected section of their 1848 Communist Manifesto to debunking the existing contenders for true socialism. As the […]

Don’t Mention the War: Interview with Joan Roelofs

Clarity Press recently published Joan Roelofs’ latest contribution to the movements for peace in the United States, The Trillion Dollar Silencer (TDS). She has been a peace activist all her life and a scholar who always worked to bridge the gap between activism and academia that despite that effort seems to have widened rather than […]
The post Don’t Mention the War: Interview with Joan Roelofs first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Let Bygones be Bygones: Fresh Analysis Instead of Nostalgia

In another 50 years China will be stronger, and by that time the Chinese Communist Party will be a hundred years old. The United States will surely be envious and ill-intentioned, but it doesn’t dare attack China, not even with a single bullet. It will research germ contamination. That is immoral. After it finishes with […]
The post Let Bygones be Bygones: Fresh Analysis Instead of Nostalgia first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Why is China Lifting the Two-term Limit for Xi Jinping?

The modern, affluent new China. Incomprehensible to many Western minds.Why does the CPC want to remove the expression that the President and Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China “shall serve no more than two consecutive terms” from the country’s Constitution?
Why is China lifting the two-term limit for Xi? The answer can be found by reading the amendment itself (and remembering a little history):