
Eva Bartlett on Syria: myths, media lies, and realities. Imperialism on Trial, Birmingham

Eva Bartlett speaks about the Imperialist war on Syria, looking at myths and media lies on Syria.

This was one of several speeches at Imperialism on Trial, in Birmingham, the third night of the tour.
Panel included:
-The former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford
-Professor Peter Kuznick, co-author (w Oliver Stone) of the Untold History of the United States
-Michael Pike, member of Veterans for Peace, poet.

Murad Gazdiev Dismantles ‘Credibility’ of Key Source Promoting Chemical Attack Lies on Syria

Important commentary by Murad Gazdiev, on the alleged chemical attacks in Douma, Syria, and the usual suspect sources purveying these lies, which include the Syrian American Medical Society.


Gazdiev: “It was the Syrian SAMS–the Syrian American Medical Society–that initially claimed that they had treated 500 people with with symptoms indicative of exposure to a chemical agent.


Elijah J. Magnier: Developments in Ghouta, Afrin, and Corporate Media’s Shameful Reporting on Syria

On March 11, 2018, I was joined again by courageous journalist and analyst, Elijah J. Magnier, who was in Syria. He addressed developments in eastern Ghouta and in Syria’s northwestern region of Afrin–where Turkey has been waging an illegal month and a half-long bombardment operation, killing hundreds of Syrian civilians.