Lord Balfour

Edwin Montagu, the Only Jew in the UK Cabinet, Opposed the Balfour Declaration and Called Zionism “a mischievous political creed”

… while Lord Sydenham warned: “What we have done, by concessions not to the Jewish people but to a Zionist extreme section, is to start a running sore in the East, and no-one can tell how far that sore will extend.” It extends all the way to this horror-show 106 years later. What the latest […]

Balfour Merrymaking: A Potential PR Disaster For The British Government

The extraordinary program of centenary celebrations in the UK to honor Lord Balfour and his lunatic Declaration — and the British Government’s continuing part in it — is an affront to citizens here and to countless millions abroad. And many a sharp pin is waiting to burst the pretty Balfour balloon being desperately inflated by Israel-firsters at Westminster.

100 years later, the west has authored a new Balfour Declaration for the Balkans

The illegal 1999 NATO war on Yugoslavia caused two parallel crises and is the proximate cause of a third. Most tragically, it caused the displacement of thousands of Serbians from their native Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija to other parts of Serbia. Many still live without permanent homes.
At the same time, although the Serbia province of Kosovo and Metohija became fully occupied by ethnic Albanians with the help of NATO forces and EU political enforcers, many decided to take up permanent residency in neighbouring countries including in Macedonia.