Local Politics

Adding More Dust onto a Threadbare Empire

Barbara Lee: I’m very terrified with regard to what we see taking place. And the signs are there. When you talk about shutting down the media, putting out their alternative facts, banning dissent and opposition, criticizing people who are exercising their First Amendment rights; trying to get people to believe, really, the distortions that they’re […]
The post Adding More Dust onto a Threadbare Empire first appeared on Dissident Voice.

George Soros Is Funding Elections of Leftist Local District Attorneys Across the US

Portsmouth, Virginia: George Soros covertly funded another leftist district attorney in his bid to control the US justice system. He has routinely backed Marxist candidates with massive donations typically seen only in gubernatorial, congressional, or presidential campaigns. Soros spent more than $9-million on local DA races in 2015-2017 alone, allowing him to influence local criminal justice policies across the country. [...]