Liberty Lens - Civil Liberties & Individual Rights​

Unveiling the Privacy Perils of Amazon Sidewalk

In a time where technology continues to shape our lives, the emergence of Amazon Sidewalk has ignited a fervent debate about the balance between convenience and privacy. As an independent investigator, I feel compelled to understand the deep complexities and potential dangers of this pervasive network. This investigative report aims to shed light on the […]

The Masterless Majority: Unmasking America’s Silent Preference

In the grand theater of American politics, two actors perennially command the stage: the Democrats and the Republicans. Their performances, filled with sound and fury, captivate the audience, drawing eyes and ears to their well-rehearsed scripts. Yet, beyond the footlights and the fervor, there exists a silent majority, a tranquil forest untouched by the clamor […]

Digital Agorism: Navigating the Path to Decentralized Freedom

In the spirit of the New Libertarian Manifesto, we find ourselves navigating the uncharted waters of the digital age. The specter of Samuel Edward Konkin III, the torchbearer of Agorism, looms large as we grapple with the challenges and opportunities that this brave new world presents. The principles he espoused – voluntary exchange, counter-economics, and […]

Know Your Rights: A Guide to Consciously Resisting Non-Consensual Police Encounters

As conscious resisters, we understand that the State operates under a different set of rules than our own. However, to protect our existing freedoms and ensure that the State adheres to their own dogma, it is important to understand the laws that govern our interactions with law enforcement officials. In this article, we will cover […]