
Republican Party is told to follow the Talmud

By Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgToday the celebrated libertarian Lew Rockwell published a column advocating Talmudic ethics as a corrective for GOP corruption. No, this is not a joke. You read those words correctly. The essay, “The Babylonian Talmud vs. the Colorado GOP,” lectures gentile Republicans on the corrective they need to straighten their party out: the ethical integrity of Rabbi Moses Maimonides and the wisdom of the Talmud of Babylon! Here’s an excerpt:

A regular LewRockwell.com reader calls them out on their phony “anti-state” slogan

From the April 7, 2014 article, “Once, Twice, Three Times…Redux” by Bionic Mosquito at LewRockwell.com, a regular reader notes: American libertarians like you have LRC in such high [e]steem, for good (past) reason, that you have difficulty to perceive the clearly unprincipled, biased stance of LRC on several matters. …the last 3-4 years of LRC, […]

Self-described “anti-state” LewRockwell.com regularly posting state media articles by Russia Today

As further evidence of the “say one thing, do another” mentality of some Austrian adherents, like Lew Rockwell, in claiming to be anti-state, yet voluntarily entering into an agreement with government, here we have Lew Rockwell’s self-described “anti-state” site regularly posting state media articles by Russia Today. Amazingly, as of January 3, 2014, LRC has […]