Lew Rockwell

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: April 12, 2014

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, April 12, 2014 on Truth Frequency Radio audio here: Action-packed, energetic show! Bitcoin, Libertarian interview, Lyndon LaRouche’s disinfo, “Multicultural Madness,” Andy Gause on Karen Hudes’ gold claims, Lew Rockwell tones down an-cap rhetoric, his phony anti-state slogan, and paying taxes under protest of duress.

Washington State provides a way for anarchists to back up their “all taxation is theft” words with actions

My finding of this statute allowing for recovery of the payment of property taxes in Washington State under protest of duress is in response to a commenter laughably claiming that purported anarchist, Lew Rockwell, seeking a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for the Mises Institute wasn’t a voluntary agreement. Here’s what a real anarchist would do if […]

A regular LewRockwell.com reader calls them out on their phony “anti-state” slogan

From the April 7, 2014 article, “Once, Twice, Three Times…Redux” by Bionic Mosquito at LewRockwell.com, a regular reader notes: American libertarians like you have LRC in such high [e]steem, for good (past) reason, that you have difficulty to perceive the clearly unprincipled, biased stance of LRC on several matters. …the last 3-4 years of LRC, […]

Lew Rockwell tones down his anarcho-capitalist rhetoric in favour of more relevant and popular articles

Once a haven of pure anarcho-capitalist rhetoric, LewRockwell.com has had to tone it down as of April 2014, in order to publish articles that people actually care about now that Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign is long over. Where he once had 11-12 articles a day of the same tired, old anti-government rhetoric, he has […]

Lew Rockwell doesn’t even believe his anarchist rhetoric that anarchism is a viable outcome

From this February 23, 2010 Daily Bell interview with Lew Rockwell, he said: “Daily Bell: Is it reasonable to believe that the state will ever wither away or does reality instruct us that the best that can be done is to limit its power? Rockwell: To me, that’s like asking if we can imagine a […]