Lee Rogers

Next Batch Of Key Primaries-- A Week From Today

L.A.'s dirtiest politician, Wendy Greuel, learned her political skills while she was still openly admitting she was a Republican. Vicious, negative campaigning is all she's ever knownA week from today there are important primaries in Iowa-- where progressive champion Pat Murphy is leading comfortably in his crowded House race-- in New Jersey and in California (as well as in some other states without significant Democratic contests).

Endorsements Mean Something-- Sometimes They're A Warning From Malevolent Forces

Not everybody studies the records of politicians asking for their votes. I do. But for many people, at least some of the time, it's pretty much essential to consider what a trusted organization recommends. When I see the DCCC has jumped in strong for a candidate, it always makes me reticent and makes me wonder what's wrong with the candidate. Are they weak on core progressive values? Are they prone to taking orders from the top? Are they prone towards corruption?

Prosperity Is Always A Big Political Issue-- Lee Rogers Points To Job Creation As The Best Way To Guarantee It In CA-25

Wednesday, the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce hosted a debate between the candidates running to replace Buck McKeon as congressman from the 25th CD. The two Republicans in the race, Tony Strickland and Steve Knight, have basically one idea: repeal Obamacare.

Barbara Lee, Lee Rogers Beatles Contest Ends Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the last day of our Beatles contest celebrating Barbara Lee's endorsement of Lee Rogers. The winner is going to get that very collectible, 32" x 24" iconic Beatles image up top. The portrait was shot by Robert Freeman, the band's favorite photographer, for the cover of With The Beatles. Freeman, who did 5 album covers for them starting in 1963, signed this one.

Tony Strickland Brings The Republican Party's War On Women To Santa Clarita Valley

Right-wing ideologue and career politician Tony Strickland-- likely to continue making horrible hiring decisionsI wonder if Tony Strickland wishes he had stayed in Ventura County's congressional race against Julia Brownley instead of hopping into the crowded field to replace Buck McKeon in the district next door.

2014-- Can You Imagine A Serious Candidate Standing Up At A Debate Opposing ENDA

[The video above is Tony Strickland speaking at College of the Canyons in Los Angeles County, after being questioned by Lee Rogers for living outside of the district in Ventura Country and running for the primarily Ventura County district even 4 months ago, forgets which district he's running in.]Tuesday night the College of the Canyons in Valencia hosted a debate for the CA-25 primary congressional candidates running to replace Buck McKeon, not just frontrunner Lee Rogers (D) and his two main GOP opponents, right-wing extremists Steve Knight from Palmdale and Tony Strickland, a carpetbagge

Barbara Lee's First Endorsement

Barbara Lee made history-- captured on the video above-- when she displayed the guts to stand up and say "NO" to Bush/Cheney's rush to war against Afghanistan in the wake of the 9-11 attack that embarrassed them and exposed their incompetence. She was the only Member of Congress to do so. The war in Afghanistan has the distinction of being the longest-lasting war in American history. Usually forgotten by the media, it's still in progress. Last week Rep.