Lawrence Wilkerson

Reverse the Accelerating Warfare State Before It’s Too Late!

The Military Budget, which devours over half of the entire federal government’s operational expenditures, has been exempted by Biden and the Congressional Republicans from any reductions in the debt limit deal just reached. Also exempted are hundreds of billions of dollars in yearly diverse corporate subsidies to big business freeloaders. Most of the cuts will […]

Decline and Fall of the US Empire: Lawrence Wilkerson Discusses Afghanistan Pull-Out

As the national conversation on Afghanistan turns to what the country’s future holds, Adley and Wilkerson have a frank discussion about the U.S. empire, war profiteers and the status of the War on Terror.
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Challenged on Syria cover-up, OPCW chief lies and US-UK-France evade

Facing new outcry over the Syria cover-up scandal, OPCW chief Fernando Arias has been caught lying, while the US-UK-France are desperately trying to change the subject. Aaron Maté recaps recent meetings at the EU and UN, where the growing Douma controversy was center stage. The US-UK-France bombed Syria in April 2018 after accusing it of a chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma. Leaks later revealed that OPCW inspectors found no evidence of a Syrian government chemical weapons attack. […]

Syrie : SitRep 102 avec Ayssar Midani (18 avril 2021)

Syrie : SitRep 102 avec Ayssar Midani (18 avril 2021). Au programme : – Journée de l’indépendance en Syrie – Lettre ouverte au pape signée par 13 000 intellectuels syriens et libanais – Armes chimiques : déclaration de Lawrence Wilkerson, ancien collaborateur de Colin Powell – Attaque israélienne contre la centrale iranienne de Natanz – Attaque contre la base américaine […]

At UN, ex-Colin Powell aide calls out ‘egregious’ OPCW Syria cover-up

Speaking to the UN Security Council, Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Colin Powell, calls out the OPCW’s Syria cover-up scandal. Years after renouncing his role in helping to make the phony case for the Iraq war, Lawrence Wilkerson returns to the United Nations Security Council to challenge a new pro-war deception: the OPCW’s Syria cover-up. Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired Army Colonel who served as Chief of Staff to Secretary State Colin Powell. In 2003, Wilkerson helped […]

5 former OPCW officials join prominent voices to call out Syria cover-up

Prominent signatories and five former OPCW officials are calling on the chemical watchdog to address the cover-up of its chemical weapons investigation in the Syrian city of Douma, and to hear out the dissenting scientists whose findings were censored. Five former officials from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have joined a group of prominent signatories to urge the OPCW to address the controversy surrounding its investigation of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria in April […]