Law and Order

Porkins Policy Radio episode 121 F Lee Bailey and Pat McKenna on OJ Simpson and Criminal Justice

Today we are joined by private investigator Pat McKenna and legendary attorney F Lee Bailey for a discussion of OJ and the criminal justice system. We begin by discussing some of the recent media reports about OJ that have come out in the tabloid press. The three of us address these bogus claims that OJ was thrown out of the Cosmopolitanism hotel in Las Vegas. Lee also tells us about his background in the Marine Corp and how he became one of the most famous trial lawyers. We then move onto some new research by Brian Heiss looking at a forgery in Nicole Simpson’s dairy.

प्रधानसेवक का मौन

ऊपर से शांत दिखने वाली भीड़ का हिंसक बन जाना अब हमारे वक्त़ की पहचान बन रहा है. विडंबना यही है कि ऐसी घटनाएं इस क़दर आम हो चली हैं कि किसी को कोई हैरानी नहीं होती. 15 वर्ष का जुनैद ख़ान, जिसकी चाहत थी कि इस बार ईद पर नया कुर्ता पाजामा, नया जूता … Continue reading प्रधानसेवक का मौन

5 Trump Tweets that show REAL leadership after the London terrorist atrocity

Donald Trump has responded to the recent terrorist attack in London in a manner that is frank and downright refreshing when compared to the response from the UK government whose leader has oddly promised censoring the internet in order to stop terrorism.
READ MORE: Theresa May is a Communist on free speech–Jeremy Corbyn a pragmatist about terrorism

5 key points from Donald Trump’s speech to congress

President Trump’s first speech to Congress was filled with optimism for the future, a genuine sense of destiny for what Trump describes as America’s internal greatness, a few but generally well chosen words on America’s role in engaging with the world and a tough line on protectionism as well as law and order.
Unlike many of Trump’s one-dimensional critics, Trump knows the difference between clarifying false stories on Twitter, attacking the fake news media who constantly attack and lie about him, and a dignified speech to the nation from Congress.

How Donald Trump can shift the burden of proof to his opponents

Donald Trump has long been a gifted practitioner of the art of clarity. After eight years of often confused Obamapeak, even Trump’s enemies don’t dare accuse him of being anything but frank and forthright.
But whilst Trump has been masterful at using this ability to attack fake news merchants, he has got to up his game if he is to ultimately win his very public showdown between himself and certain members of his own team, elements of his own party, the Democrats, msm as a whole and the deep state, particularly the intelligent agencies.