Law and Order

We’re All Suspects Under the Government’s Precrime Program

John & Nisha Whitehead “There is now the capacity to make tyranny total in America.” James Bamford, journalist We’re all being targeted now. We’re all guilty until proven innocent now. And thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s spy network of fusion centers, we are all now sitting ducks, just waiting …

Florida: Proposed ‘Anti-Mob’ Law Would Allow Citizens to Shoot Rioters and Looters

Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing “anti-mob” legislation that would allow armed citizens to defend themselves against violent rioters and looters. The legislation would make it a felony to block traffic during protests, give immunity to drivers who claim to accidentally hurt or kill protestors blocking traffic,

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Legislation to Stop Soros-Funded Rioters

The new criminal charges make it a felony when a mob causes injury, obstructs traffic, and destroys public property. RICO charges may be applied to anyone who organizes or funds a violent assembly. [There are adequate laws covering these crimes that already exist, but the problem is the failure to enforce the law.]

Señor Trumpanzee: Your Law And Order President?

Fascist movements and fascist states are obsessed with "law and order," more order than law, until they pass their own laws. Now that the American Republican Party has passed the Rubicon into fascism, we can look back to the 1930s Nazi Party to find precedents for how William Barr runs the "Justice Department." Loyalty to the Führer and blind obedience was the cornerstone of Nazi law and order, Recht und Ordnung.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhen, in the wake of the Kavanaugh hearings, Comrade Trump recently launched the current hit Republican diatribe featured in tonight's meme, my mind immediately went to two things: 1) The usual mangling of the English language by a profoundly uneducated "president," and 2) The horrific case of The Central Park Five from 1989 and his role in the ugliness surrounding it.For those who don't remember, the Central P