Krystal Ball

If You Were A Democratic Candidate, Who Would You Most Want On The Top Of The Ticket?

Newt Gingrich, once House speaker, was driven out of Congress in 1997 by his fellow-Republicans who joined the Democrats in voting for one of the 84 ethics charges against him. He was formally reprimanded and forced to reimburse the House for the $300,000 he had embezzled. Only 28 Republicans voted no, the reprimand passing 395-28. He was the first-ever speaker to be reprimanded on an ethics charge.

Bernie Is An Agent Of Change. For Those Too Brittle To Handle Change, There's Status Quo Joe

Those who saddled the Democratic Party with Hillary simply brought us Trump. Watch the flaming assholes in this great video above, spewing shit from their rancid pie-holes about their hatred for Bernie (and, of course, even if unsaid, for the working class)-- identity politics dip-shits, NeverTrump Republicans, rich status quo class enemies... Why should anyone listen to them? Oh, yeah... corporate media washes our brains with them 24-7.Thursday, Business Insider's Joseph Zeballos-Roig penned a quickie on 2020's Hillary stand-in, Status Quo Joe.

Krystal Ball v Neil Bluhm And The MSNBC Never Trumpers--- Ball Hits One Of Out The Park On Biden's Establishment Backing

Chicago billionaire realtor and casino magnate Neil Bluhm owns the two best hotels in Chicago, the Four Seasons and the Ritz Carlton. But he's probably best known, outside of billionaire real estate circles, for having thrown a 49th birthday party for Obama where the minimum price for admission was $30,000 (checks made out to the DNC). He's shoveled immense amounts of money into the political careers of neo-liberals and crooked pols like Rahm Emanuel, Hillary Clinton, Rod Blagojevich, the Madigans, Melissa Bean, etc. He writes big checks too.

Mayo Pete

Last week, someone suggested I switch from using "McKinsey Pete" to "Mayo Pete." Not everyone understood the McKinsey reference and Mayo seems to capture the candidate pretty well. I took the advice and-- BOOM!-- the New York Times was out with their blockbuster report that defined McKinsey really well-- McKinsey Advised Johnson & Johnson On Increasing Opiod Sales. And it isn't just Johnson & Johnson.

What Is Today's Democratic Party Offering The Working Class?

The GA-06 special election is June 20th-- three weeks from yesterday. And yesterday was the first day of early voting there. The ad up top was just put up on local TV to the tune of $500,000 by Pelosi's SuperPAC. Or more important, who is it speaking to? Who is it not saying a word to? Patrick Ruffini had an interesting post up yesterday at FiveThirtyEight: Black Voters Aren’t Turning Out For The Post-Obama Democratic Party.

The Case For Electability-- Or Do You Just Not Care That Much If Trump Becomes President?

Endorsements from Trey Gowdy and Nikki Haley didn't save Marco Rubio in the GOP's crucial South Carolina primary. Trump won the multi-candidate contest comfortably and beat Rubio by ten points. He won all 50 delegates to the Republican Party convention. In fact, in Greenville and Spartanburg counties-- Gowdy's district-- Rubio came in a miserable third.