koch brothers

Documents Expose New Efforts to Undermine Public Worker Unions

Several months ago, Maxford Nelson, executive director of a right-wing think tank, the Freedom Foundation, showed up at a Washington state legislative committee hearing to oppose a bill to make dues checkoff easier for the state’s public workers.
The lawmakers jumped on him, questioning what he was even doing there, since the foundation is supposed to be — and advertises itself as — non-profit and non-partisan. Federal and state tax rules bar such groups from overt political lobbying.

Koch Brothers Push for DACA Amnesty, Threaten Funding of GOP Hold-Outs

The Koch Brothers and their organizations, including Americans for Prosperity, are generally thought to be conservative, but they are advocate for mass immigration and amnesty. A Koch organization representative threatened Republicans with a reduction in campaign donations when he said that the Koch networks will "closely evaluate" their contributions to GOP midterm races if DACA amnesty is not passed. [...]

Fire and Fury: Stunning Exposé and Quiet Cover-up?

A few days into the New Year and iguanas are falling out of the sky in Florida.  (They’re too numb to hang onto their perches.)  Boston is recovering from flooding.   Parts of Alabama are fighting hookworm.  Trump wants $18 billion for THE WALL.  And there’s Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, the just-released exposé of life down in the West Wing.

Senate Dems Demand To Know EPA Nominee’s Ties To Koch Brothers

Attorney General Scott Pruitt (Republican of Oklahoma) is seen in the lobby of the Trump Tower in New York, New York, on November 28, 2016. (Photo: Anthony Behar/CNP/MediaPunch/IPX)
Senate Democrats are demanding to know what’s behind Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head nominee Scott Pruitt’s ties to the reclusive conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.