Kidney Failure

Man’s Kidney Fails After He Drinks 16 8-Ounce Glasses of Iced Tea Daily

A 56-year old man recently went to the hospital after experiencing fatigue, weakness, body aches, and nausea. After examination and running various tests, doctors concluded that the man’s symptoms were the result of his kidney failing. What caused his kidney failure? His shocking dietary habit of consuming 16 8-ounce glasses of iced tea every day.

Newly Released: Study Confirms Chronic Kidney Failure 5 Times Higher in Glyphosate-Ridden Areas

The evidence for the abominable toxicity of Round Up chemicals like glyphosate is already overwhelming, yet there seems to be a never-ending stream of research and evidence pointing toward their dangers. A new study has just been published showing that farmers in Sri Lanka exposed to glyphosate through drinking water are 5 times more likely to develop chronic kidney failure than those who don’t drink herbicide-polluted water.