Ken Langone

Vulture Capitalist Ken Langone Wants To Combat Bernie By Financing The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

Ken Langone, the Long Island vulture capitalist who put together part of the money for the founders of Home Depot, has a current net worth of something around $3 billion. He'll be 83 before the midterms and he's doing all he can to disadvantage progressives with his money. Generally, he gives contributions to Republicans but he's fine with conservative, Wall Street-friendly Democrats too.

GOP Plutocrat Ken Langone And New Dem Wall Street Shill Jim Himes Are Waging Class War Against American Families

Although he occasionally writes a check to Democratic corporate whores who serve Wall Street and fight for the plutocracy-- like Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, Andrew Cuomo, Steve Israel and Cory Booker-- in the last few election cycles Ken Langone has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars-- at least $800,000-- to the Republican Party