Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway Memes: Crazy Lady Now Roams The Halls Of The White House, America’s Newest Insane Asylum

by NoahPlease take a trip with me to a time in the future to see what becomes of the crazy lady.Many years from now, or maybe sooner, an old bag lady may be walking along Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue -- or maybe sitting cackling on the edge of the Dupont Circle fountain. She’ll be dressed in what looks to be a ragged old toy-soldier uniform, with some ragged old Nordstrom bags.

This liberal left journalist wants the media to “shun” Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway for spreading “fake news”

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson takes on Elite Daily political writer John Haltiwanger who says Kellyanne Conway should be “shunned.”
Carlson calls out the hypocrisy from the Elite Daily journalist’s fake “moral outrage”.
The argument is that media should punish Conway for what they believe are Trump lives. Five days in office and the liberal left has lost complete control…where was the “shunning” of Obama who lied about Obamacare, Libya, Syria, ISIS, Ukraine, Russia, and just about everything else under the sun.

News Flash! Spicer! Conway! The Trump White House Is Now Officially An Insane Asylum

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is on the NoahThat the Trump White House has become a home for crazy people shouldn't come as a surprise to any sane observer of the events of recent years. Face it: We've seen the Republican Party cross over the edge of sanity since the dawn of the Tea Party. That was the point where it became apparent that the Republican Party had fully become the Crackpot Party.

You will never believe how Kellyanne Conway destroys Meet The Press host Chuck Todd

Kellyanne Conway is one smart, tough political strategist.
Meet The Press host Chuck Todd tried his very best to corner Conway on the inauguration “crowd size” controversy.
Conway completely turned the tables on Todd, exposing how “this was just more evidence of the unfair and biased treatment of the Trump administration by the media.”
Conway noted…

Kellyanne Conway: “Presidents Aren’t Judged by Crowd Sizes… They’re Judged by Their Accomplishments”

21st Century Wire says…
Kellyanne Conway thrashed NBC’s Chuck Todd around the set on Meet The Press when he tried to paint the Trump administration as releasing ‘false information’ about their inauguration attendance numbers. Conway, like many viewers, immediately caught Todd in the fact that the topic was meaningless and was quick to point out a number of main stream media reports containing ‘falsehoods’ that were pushed by establishment media.

Kellyanne Conway destroys CNN’s Anderson Cooper in explosive “fake news” dossier interview

Kellyanne Conway and CNN’s Anderson Cooper clash in an interview over CNN’s reporting of the “fake news” documents dumped onto the internet that alleges Russian operatives have compromising personal and financial information about President-elect Trump.
Watching Anderson Cooper squirm and try to backtrack from what CNN pulled the other day, in conjunction with Buzzfeed, by running with a fraudulent story about Trump in Moscow.

Kellyanne Conway brushes off Obama’s childish behavior, hints at a Trump – Russia détente

Donald Trump’s top adviser Kellyanne Conway, spoke with USA Today ahead of, what will be, the final stretch towards inauguration day. In the interview Conway discusses Barack Obama’s final days in office, Russian hacking, and the sore loser Democrats.
By now it is no secret that Barack Obama has decided on a scorched earth policy in his transition out of the White House…making sure that the soon to be President Trump inherits as many problems as possible. One of those problems being the “fake news” Russian hacker story conjured up by the outgoing POTUS.