Karen Handel

Luck Of The Draw-- Jon Ossoff Winds Up With A Truly Despicable Opponent

That was thenWhen 30 year old Jon Ossoff first jumped into the race, no one knew who he was and pundits were speculating that the GA-06 jungle primary would probably lead to two Republicans facing off in the June runoff. Instead, despite millions of dollars in negative campaign ads paid for by Paul Ryan's superPAC, Ossoff came in first-- by a mile, 92,390 (48.1%) to former Secretary of State Karen Handel's 37,993 (19.8%).

Jon Ossoff's Big Win In Deep Red GA-06-- Runoff With Anti-Choice Fanatic June 20

Trumpist candidate Bruce LeVell fails to get past 0.2%. Sad!GA-06 is the best educated district held by a Republican congressman in the whole country. They don't like Trump there. But instead of keeping a low profile, Trump was blithely tweeting away this morning and even did an attack ad robo-call, making it clear to everyone that the contest today was a referendum on Trump. Turnout was very high-- over a third of registered voters.

GA-06 Special Election Is 3 Weeks From Today-- And Ossoff Leads Either GOP Front-Runner

DEADLY for GOP candidatesThe first round of voting to replace Trump's HHS Secretary Tom Price-- the man who bears a great deal of responsibility for TrumpCare-- is exactly 3 weeks from today, April 18. Georgia's 6th congressional district isn't a district the DCCC ever looks at. They never recruit candidates there and never back local Democrats who run-- NEVER (like in not ever).

Fighting Back Against The Trumpist Know Nothing Agenda-- Immigration Made America Great, Not Trump

Continuing to make America greatThe dark strain of American Know Nothing hatred towards immigrants is hardly new. German, Irish, Chinese, Jewish, Italian, Polish, Japanese families... have all felt its ugly sting-- and their progeny have then gone on to inflict it on those who came after them. So horrible!