Kanhaiya Kumar

From Kanaiyah Kumar To Jignesh Mewani…

Any claim of justice is incomplete, unless it doesn’t reconcile the dimension of recognition and redistribution. Dalit and left politics need to grasp this broader zone of injustice which is constitutive of both cultural misrecognition and economic exploitation. 2014 general election was an important juncture in the life of Indian democracy for the following reasons- no one had imagined that[Read More...]

India’s Mutated Nationalism: Gandhi to Modi

I finished writing a collection of short-stories, which has appeared as Kafka Sutra, almost after a year of turmoil and obsessive work, in February 2016. Three or four days after I secretly mailed the manuscript to my editors, I still remember how the news left me aghast when I sat down to eat my dinner with the idiot box before my eyes. Some Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students had chanted slogans inside the campus, which they had swiftly denied.