Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Suffers from Facial Paralysis Months after His Wife Had a Stroke

Justin Bieber has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) facial paralysis. Under normal conditions, RHS affects 5 people in 100,000, but the case number increases to 338 cases per 100,000 after COVID vaccination, according to researcher Steve Kirsch. Bieber's wife had a stroke in March. Both illnesses are rare in young people.

Justin Bieber Says Not #MeToo

In December 2013, American singer-songwriter Conor Oberst was accused of rape. The accusation was anonymous, or more accurately pseudonymous, and was made only in cyberspace. Rather than ignore it or issue a bland denial, Oberst consulted his lawyer, and his accuser retracted. This month, Canadian singer-songwriter Justin Bieber was on the receiving end of a similar allegation, and announced his intention to go one better.

Amy Klobuchar And Sherrod Brown Want To Be President Too

I've tried to make it clear that the Worst Democraps Who Want To Be President series is not just for any candidate I don't like, but really for the very worst of the worst, like Gillibrand and Bloomberg. So... I may not want to see Amy Klobuchar get the nomination, nor Sherrod Brown, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris, but none of them belongs in that series.