Judge Napolitano

Is Geopolitics Deterministic?

In an online video interview, libertarian judge Andrew Napolitano asked University of Chicago political scientist and international relations professor John Mearsheimer to “translate” president Xi’s remarks in his New Year speech. The professor answered, “There is no question that the Chinese want Taiwan back. They want to make Taiwan part of China…. There is also […]
The post Is Geopolitics Deterministic? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Did the FBI Spur January 6 Capitol Clash? Judging Freedom Podcast

UPDATE: YouTube slapped an “age-restricted video” designation on this interview that prevents people from viewing it unless they sign in with their Google account & attest that they are over 18 years old. Holy crap! I hardly cussed at all during that interview. YouTube devoted to assuring that young Americans blindly trust government or what? […]

Blaming the Romans for the Crucifixion of Christ

Blaming the Romans for the Crucifixion of Jesus ChristBy Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgIn our time of nearly universal apostasy the churches have taken to blaming the Roman authorities for the death of Christ on the Cross while exculpating the Pharisees.We see this fashion everywhere, from the Vatican to revered  American “Conservatives,” such as Judge Andrew Napolitano a

Victimization of "Jews" takes center stage on Good Friday

Puppet-masters arrange for victimization of "Jews" to take center stage on Good Friday Meanwhile, Judge Napolitano follows O'ReillyBy Michael HoffmanIn a column yesterday concerning our analysis of a new book by Bill O'Reilly misdirecting responsibility for Christ's crucifixion, we informed you that "at this time of year the Cryptocracy manages to check devotion to and the correct understanding of the Passion and Death of Christ by 1.