Operation Paperclip, Gladio, OSS & CIA, PATCON and COINTEL Fronts Explained

The Audio is here. Patrick Henningsen and Jay Dyer discuss the history of Paperclip and Gladio, cointel operations, FBI informants and cut out organizations that have been used as staging grounds for shadow government operations and destabilization operations. Patricks show is here. Sign up for Richard Grove’s newest course on becoming self sufficient as a […]

(Vid) Illuminati and Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican in Martin’s Keys of This Blood (Free Half)

In this lecture we come to the Catholic version of Tragedy and Hope the overlooked geopolitical tome of Malachi Martin, Keys of This Blood: John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order. Almost as revelatory as Dr. Quigley’s magnum opus, this angle looks at the Vatican’s role in 20th century geopolitics and its infiltration by Satanic and Masonic Groups.