JP Morgan fraud

The U.S. Justice System Must Focus on Elite Criminality

Two very important articles published in recent days serve to once again highlight America's metastasizing elite criminality problem. A problem which our justice system simply refuses to address. This corrupt two-tier justice system is something I've been focused on from the very beginning of my writings, and I continue to see it as a civilization-level threat for this country if not aggressively addressed and confronted in the very near future.

Which is Fraudulent – Bitcoin or JP Morgan?

I'm really grateful JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon decided to once again lash out in anger at Bitcoin, as it provides us with ample opportunity to highlight a practice very near and dear to how the bank operates. Fraud.
The way the news cycle works, any topic that isn't already at the forefront of enough people's minds will be largely ignored irrespective of its importance. The fact that Jamie Dimon ironically called Bitcoin a fraud, allows us to ask highlight some very important facts about the seemingly systemic fraud inherent in America's largest bank, JP Morgan.