Joseph Crowley

Is The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Taking Over? Only If You Let Them

Patrick Murphy... with Little Chucky SchmuckyThe Democratic Establishment is panicking progressives into voting for unspeakably corrupt conservative candidates, warning them that Trump is under the bed and that if they don't vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, he will kill and eat everyone-- and not necessarily in that order.

Tony James Was A Great Guitarist In Generation X, But The Tony James In This Post Is A Bankster-For-Hillary

I was determined to start Sunday off with something uplifting. I mean it's Sunday. But it's a season infected by Trump. The best I could do was humor (above) and a couple of sardonic bits and pieces... like Trump's campaign CEO, Steve Bannon escalating the al-right's war against Paul Ryan.

Hoyer Shows His True Colors Again-- Spoiler: Not Blue

Intimates of Nancy Pelosi's say that as much as she wants to retire as Democratic leader, she won't do it while there is a chance Steny Hoyer will get the job. Most House Democrats know that if Hoyer ever becomes Speaker-- God forbid-- all legislation will be filtered through K Street and nothing will ever get done. Hoyer is a Beltway lobbyist favorite.

Why Are Voters So Unenthusiastic About Reelecting Run Of The Mill, Garden Variety Democrats?

You mean Crowley rocking out with Huckabee doesn't get Queens & Bronx voters out to the polls?Turnout for the midterms in California was a dismal 42% this year. Barbara Lee (CA-13- Oakland) didn't have a real race, but her constituents turned out for her in greater numbers than any other congressional candidate in the whole state, more than any other Democrat and more than any Republican.

Judging by his enemies, NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is standing even taller today

Supporters of Manhattan Councilmember Melissa Mark-Viverito, Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio's preference, say she has the votes to be the next speaker of the NYC City KenIf you can know a man, at least in part, by his enemies, then NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio is standing even taller today -- not that he needs added tallness.

Joe Crowley-- Making The Republican Party Look Less Singularly Horrible

Dangerous douche bags Huckabee and Crowley... with guitarsEarlier today, we mentioned in passing, that Joe Crowley is one of the most corrupt Members of Congress... in history, and that he's been facilitating corrupt relationships between freshmen New Dems-- he's the ex-Chairman of the Big Business-owned coalition of anti-working family Democrats.